you are a twig on the Tree of God!

How does contemplative prayer not only unite us with God but with the entire human family?

What does it mean that it is “In God in whom we live, and move, and have our being(Acts 17:28)

Enjoy a simple metaphor: You are a twig; God is the Tree.

A Metaphor- A Twig on a Tree

Imagine a conscious twig on a giant Tree.

This aware twig looks out and sees itself as a twig among twigs. It looks a little different than other twigs and it sees from a unique perspective.

All the twigs appear a little different from one another.

Now imagine this twig turns its attention inwards. Not looking out, it looks within. It looks in the direction of its source- the Tree, the Roots, the Ground.

The twig realizes it is the Tree.

The inner life of the twig is Tree.

It’s “being” is made of the Tree.

And this twig’s being is identical to all other twigs.

It is like that for you and I.

Looking out, we see physical reality, external bodies, skin, color, form. With the mind, we create mental images of our friends and family…. we see personalities, we create labels like “this is my Christian friend, this is my Muslim friend.” “She is a Democrat, he is a Republican.”

We see differentiated form.

We see all that differentiates “me” from “you.”

During contemplation. . .

Looking within during contemplative prayer, we let go of all thoughts, all emotions, all mental images, memories, etc.

We let go of all that differentiates and open to the intimate presence of God- our own inner being- which is shared by all.

We are like the twig, looking within. We see that our being, our naked “am-ness”, is God’s being within us, shared by all.

We cease, temporarily, being our small self.

We become what we always have been. . . . one with God in the same way our dearest friends and worst enemies are one with God.

This is the contemplative, nondual mind– the awareness that not only are we one with God, but in that union, we are one with all.

We realize, experientially, that it is in God “in whom we live and move and have our being.

And in that Being, we are united with the entire human family.

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